Forensic Psychology

What is Forensic Psychology?

Forensic Psychology is a specialized branch of psychology that applies psychological principles to a range of legal matters that come before the judicial system.

Dr. Donnelly performs the following forensic evaluations and consultations:

  • Adoption Consultation
  • Attachment Evaluation
  • Competency Evaluation of Juveniles and Adults
  • Criminal Responsibility Evaluation (Sanity) of Juveniles and Adults
  • Family Evaluation including Parenting Capacity Evaluation
  • Fitness for Duty Evaluation related to Employment (e.g., military, private and public sector, public safety, etc.)
  • Guardianship Evaluation
  • Independent Medical (Psychological) Examinations
  • Juvenile Placement and Treatment Evaluation
  • Malingering
  • Miranda Warning Evaluation
  • Psychosexual Evaluation of Juveniles and Adults
  • Rebuttal/Review of Psychological Examinations
  • Risk, Threat, and Safety Evaluation of Juveniles and Adults
  • Trauma Evaluation

During the initial inquiry, Dr. Donnelly will discuss the Forensic Evaluation or Consultation request with the referral source. Forensic Evaluations typically involve several hours, sometimes multiple meetings of in-person, remote or hybrid (In-person and remote) clinical interviewing and psychological testing with the referred individual/s. In addition, pertinent records are reviewed and interviews are conducted in-person, remotely, or telephonically with collateral informants (i.e., therapists, physicians, social workers, family members, etc.). The Evaluation or Consultation culminates with a written report which answers specific referral questions, including, if relevant, clinically-informed recommendations.  Dr. Donnelly is often subsequently deposed or retained for expert testimony to discuss findings of submitted reports. Forensic requests are typically court-ordered, or are private referrals from attorneys.